
Homogenous collection of data.

Declaration includes element type, array name, and size (maximum number of elements). Array elements occupy contiguous memory locations.

An array can be initialised at declaration with

  • size declared as the same size of the array assigned to it a[3] = {0, 1, 2}
  • size not declared a[] = {0, 1, 2}
  • size declared as a bigger size a[4] = {0, 1, 2}

Incorrect initialisations/assignments

  • when there are excess elements a[1] = {1, 2}
  • when the array is declared, then initialised in a different statement. a[1]; a = {0};
    • this also means that an array cannot be reassigned to another array a[2]; b[2] = a;


The array name refers to the address of the first element in the array.


Given the array int a[3];, a is a memory address. a is equivalent to &a[0].

Cloning an array

  1. Write a loop assigning the element of each array to the other array consecutively
  2. memcpy from <string.h> (not covered in module)

Array as a function parameter

For prototypes, it is fine to just specify the [ ]after the datatype to signify that it is an array.


int function(int []); // (name can be added, not compulsory)

In the function header, the number within the square brackets is ignored, so the array size should be provided through another parameter (int arr[], int size)

Alternatively, as an array is a pointer, the alternative syntax is as such:

  • prototype: int function (int *)
  • header: int function (int *array)


As an array is passed in through pointers, whether intentional, the function can modify the content of the array passed into it.