
The process of improving a program’s internal structure in small steps without modifying its external behaviour.

Some benefits of refactoring are:

  • hidden bugs become easier to spot
  • improve performance

Types of Refactoring

Consolidating conditional expressions

If conditional expressions return the same value, they can be condensed.


if (isNotOldEnough()) return 1;
if (isNotTallEnough()) return 1;
if (isPregnant()) return 1;

can be consolidated into

bool isAllowedToRideRollercoaster() {
	return isNotOldEnough() || isNotTallEnough() || isPregnant();
return isAllowedToRideRollercoaster ? 1 : 0;

Decomposing conditionals

Conditionals can be decomposed into their own specific functions for easier reading.


if (!date.isBefore(month.January) && !date.isAfter(month.February) ) {
	fee = quantity * item.offPeakPrice;
} else {
	fee = quantity * item.peakPrice;

can be decomposed into

isDuringOffPeak(date) {
	return !date.isBefore(month.January) && !date.isAfter(month.February);
calculateOffPeakPrice(quantity, item) {
	return quantity * item.offPeakPrice;
calculatePeakPrice(quantity, item) {
	return quantity * item.peakPrice;

if (isDuringOffPeak(date)) {
	return calculateOffPeakPrice(quantity, item)
} else {
	return calculatePeakPrice(quantity, item);

Inline method

Instead of using a separate method, use the implementation inside the helper method directly.


getRating(driver) {
	return moreThanFiveLateDeliveries(driver) ? 2 : 1;
moreThanFiveLateDeliveries(driver) {
	return driver.numberOfLateDeliveries > 5;

can be changed to

getRating(driver) {
	return driver.numberOfLateDeliveries > 5 ? 2 : 1;

Remove double negative

Change double negatives to a single positive conditional.

!(item.isNotFound) can be refactored to item.isFound

Replace magic literal

Magic literals can be replaced with named constants.

3.14 * radius * radius can be replaced with const PI = 3.14; PI * radius * radius

Replace nested conditional with guard clauses

Some nested conditionals can be replaced with guard clauses, removing the nesting.


getInsurancePayout() {
	if (isDead) {
		return deadAmount;
	} else {
		if (isMajorInjury) {
			return majorInjuryAmount;
		} else {
			if (isMinorInjury) {
				return minorInjuryAmount
			} else {
				return normalAmount

can be replaced with

getInsurancePayout() {
	if (isDead) return deadAmount;
	if (isMajorInjury) return majorInjuryAmount;
	if (isMinorInjury) return minorInjuryAmountl
	return normalAmount;

Replace parameter with explicit methods

Replace the use of a parameter and instead use specific functions for each conditional case.


setDimension(name, value) {
	if (name === "height") {
		this.height = value;
	if (name === "width") {
		this.width = value;

can be refactored to:

setHeight(value) this.height = value;
setWidth(value) this.width = value;

Reverse conditional

Reorder a conditional, to remove negatives from the conditional


if (!order.exists) {
} else {

can be refactored into

if (order.exists) {
} else {

Split loops

Split loops to increase readability


totalSalary = 0;
averageAge = 0;

for (p in people) {
	averageAge += p.age;
	totalSalary += p.salary;
averageAge = averageAge / people.length;

can be refactored to

totalSalary = 0;

for (p in People) {
	totalSalary += p.salary;

averageAge = 0;

for (p in People) {
	averageAge += p.age;
averageAge = averageAge  / people.length;

Split temp

Split temporary variables, if they are used to mean different things;


temp = 2 * height * width;
temp = height * width;

can be refactored to

perimeter = 2 * height * width;
area = height * width;

When to refactor

Code smell

A surface indication that usually corresponds to a deeper problem in the system

A non exhaustive list of code smells:

  • Data class
    • A class with all data, and no behaviour
  • Long method
    • Method contains too many LoC (>30)
  • Large class
    • Class is too large
  • Primitive obssession
    • Overuse of primitives instead of objects
  • Temporary field
    • Some variables are mostly empty
  • Shotgun surgery
    • Making modifications require big changes to many classes

Periodic refactoring can be used to pay off technical debt accumulated in a codebase.

Too much refactoring is when benefits no longer justify the cost.