Concurrent processes

Logical concept to cover multitasked processes.

Concurrent processes can be done using both virtual or physical parallelism.

ABOScontextswitchcontextswitchCPU 1CPU 2CPU n...p1p3p2p4TimeslicingMultiprocessor

The scheduling problem

If there are more ready-to-run-processes than CPUs, which process should be chosen?

Important terminologies

  • Scheduler refers to the part of the OS that makes scheduling decisions
  • Scheduling algorithm is the algorithm used by scheduler
    • influenced by process environment
  • Process behaviour refers to the requirement of CPU time

There are three types of processing environments:

  1. Batch processing
    • No interaction is required, meaning there is no need to be responsive
  2. Interactive
    • With active user interacting with system
    • Should be responsive and consistent in response time
  3. Real-time processing
    • Have deadline to meet

The criterias for all processing environments are:

  • fairness
    • everytime should get a fair share of CPU time
  • balance
    • all parts of the computing system should be utilised

There are two types of scheduling policies

  • Non-preemptive
    • A process stays scheduled until it blocks OR gives up the CPU voluntarily
  • Preemptive
    • A process is given a fixed time quota to run

Thus, a process scheduler follows this step:

  1. Scheduler is triggered
  2. If context switch is needed, context of current running process is saved, and placed on blocked queue/ready queue
  3. Select a suitable process P to run
  4. Setup context for P
  5. Let process P run

Scheduling for Batch Processing


  • Turnaround time
  • Throughput: number of tasks finished per unit time
  • CPU utilisation: percentage of time when CPU is working on a task
ABC853FCFSABCSJFABCABC853arrival012Assuming this is the queue whenscheduling:SRTABCA1 ## First-Come-First-Served (FCFS)

First-In-First-Out (FIFO)

Guaranteed to have no starvation as the number of tasks in front of task X in FIFO is always decreasing.

Simple reordering can reduce average waiting time.

Convoy effect

First task is CPU-bound and followed by a number of IO-Bound tasks .

  • When task is running, all tasks are waiting in the ready queue (IO idling)
  • When task is blocked on I/O, all tasks execute quickly and are blocked on I/O (CPU idling)

Shortest Job First (SJF)

Select task with smallest total CPU time

This requires the knowledge of total CPU time for a task in advance. However, given a fixed set of tasks, this minimises average waiting time.

However, since this requires the prediction of CPU time, it needs to guess the future CPU time by the previous CPU-bound phases.

Predicting CPU time

A common approach to predicting CPU time is the exponential average:


  • refers to the most recent CPU time consumed
  • refers to the past history of CPU time consumed
  • refers to weight placed on recent event or past history
  • refers to the current prediction

Shortest Remaining Time (SRF)

Variation of SJF, using the remaining time.

SRF is preemptive, and selects the job with the shortest remaining (or expected) time.

A new job with shorter remaining time can preempt currently running job, which provides good service for short jobs even if they arrive later in the queue.

Scheduling for Interactive Systems


  • Response time: time between request and response by system
  • Predictability: Variation in response time, lesser variation

Preemptive scheduling algorithms are used to ensure good response time

How can the scheduler take over the CPU periodically, and how can we ensure the user program can never stop the scheduler from executing?

Timer interrupt refers to interrupt that goes off periodically (based on hardware clock). The OS ensures the timer interrupt cannot be intercepted by any other program. The interrupt handler invokes the scheduler.

The interval of the timer interrupt depends, typically ranging between ms.

Time quantum

Execution duration given to a process.

The time quantum can be constant or variable amongs the processes, and must be a multiple of the interval of timer interrupt, and generally has a larger range of values (ms).

BAAC1020AB10203040ITITime Quantum10ms20msITITime Quantum10ms40ms

Round-Robin (RR)

Preemptive version of FCFS

Generally, the tasks are stored in a FIFO queue, and the first task from the queue is chosen to run until

  • a fixed time slice (quantum) elapsed
  • the task gives up the CPU voluntary
  • the task blocks

After that, tasks are placed at the end of queue to wait for another turn. A blocked task will be moved to other queue to wait for its request.

The response time is guaranteed - given tasks and quantum , the time before a task gets CPU is bounded by The timer interrupt is needed for the scheduler to check on quantum expiry.

The choice of time quantum is important as:

  • the bigger the quantum, the better the CPU utilisation, but with a longer waiting time
  • the smaller the quantum, the bigger overhead, but shorter waiting time

Priority Scheduling

There are both preemptive versions

  • preemptive: higher priority process can preempt running process with lower priority
  • non-preemptive: late coming high priority process has to wait for next round of scheduling

However, a low-priority process can starve if a high priority process keeps hogging the CPU (worse in preeemptive variant). This can be solved by

  • decreasing the priority of currently running processes after every time quantums
  • give the current running process a time quantum Note that it is hard to guarantee or control the exact amount of CPU time given to a process using priority.

Multi-Level Feedback Queue (MLFQ)

How to schedule without perfect knowledge?

MLFQ is adaptive, meaning it learns the process behaviour automatically, and minimises both

  • response time for IO bound processes
  • turnaround time for CPU bound processes

It follows basic rules such as:

Priority setting/changing rules

  1. New job is given the highest priority
  2. If a job has fully utilised its time slice, its priority is reduced
  3. If a job gives up/blocks before it finishes the time slice, priority is retained.
job fully utilised its time slice, sopriority is reducednew job is givenhighest prioritypriority is equal,so they run in RRMLFQ ## Lottery Scheduling

Gives out lottery tickets to processes for various system resources.

When a scheduling decision is needed, a lottery ticket is chosen randomly among eligible tickets to be granted the resource.

In the long run, a process holding of tickets can then win of the lottery held, and thus use the resource of a time.

Lottery scheduling is

  • responsive, as a newly created process can participate in the next lottery
  • good level of control, as a process can be given lottery tickets
    • to distribute to its child process
    • to control the proportion of usage, more important processes can be given more lottery tickets
    • each resource has its own set of tickets