In progress.
Source Control
Source control
The importance in is how things are implemented.
Consideration for SCM tools
- centralised vs decentralised
- git can be both, depending on the situation
- centralised - a central location that dictates where the code is
- single point of failure
- decentralised - multiple locations
- dependency management
- scalability
- dev. tool support
- expertise
Good practices:
- Single source of truth
- Consistency
- Small focused changes, ideally idempotent/orthogonal
- Clarity
- Use branches and tags appropriately
- Use toolset for managing dependencies
Coding Styles
Code style importance
- unnecessary changes in SCM
- inconsistency makes code harder to read
- always differences in style
Key elements
- consistency >> optimality
- focus on making code clearer and unsurprising
- practicality >> prettyness
- not just formatting
Versioning & Releases
Deployment strategy
- web services
- app stores
- sending binaries
- embedded in devices
Assigning identifiers to bundles of software
Semantic versioning:
- incompatible API changes Minor
- add functionality in a backward compatible manner Patch
Hyrum's Law
With a sufficient number of users of an API, it does not matter what you promise in the contract: all observable behaviours of system will be depended on by somebody.
- unique hash of commit
- automatic and internally track guilds
- no further information, not all commits are releases
Assigned Identifiers
- code names, or version increments
- easier to remember
- help with branding
- can be used to infer
Depends on
- needs
- deployment strategy
- frequency of release
- needs of users/marketing dept.
Avoid long-lived branch
- depends on your organisation, deployment strategy
- single source of truth
- consistency
Availability at run-time/compile-time
User libraries generally found at compile-time, APIs at run-time
- Libraries
- Build tools
- External services
How to handle dependencies when they introduce a change that breaks code, has critical bug that can't/don't fix, rely on out-of-date dependency?
Dependencies need to be managed to maintain project.
Some possible suggestions:
- small/critical library (keep in same library)
- medium (keep own repo)
- large/well-established (submodule)
- runtime: lockfile, containers, package managers
Systems can become obsolete.
How to remove obsolete code?
Code becomes liability as not useful.
Process of orderly migration away from and eventual removal of obsolete systems
Compulsory deprecation:
- comes with deadline for removal
- Single team of expert responsible for migration
Code Review
- Just get someone else to look through your code
Quality Assurance
Anything that is done to ensure product quality before it gets to customers.
Best practices
- simulate cusstomer as much as possible
- must be done by someone other than the developer
files- web apps
- app stores
- physical media
- pre-installed on devices
- speed/friction
- scalability
- risks
- costs