Static Analysis
Static analysis
Examination of code without executing it
Static analysis aims to
- identify potential errors
- ensure adherence to coding standards
- optimise performance using
- early bug detection
Possible tools
- linters & style checkers (check formatting/practices)
- data flow analysis (reasoning about the set of values at different points in execution)
- control-flow analysis (reasoning about potential order of execution)
- type checking (verify variables are used consistently for their types)
Python will attempt to execute unsafe programs, and fails mostly at runtime. Shows type error when it happens.
Language system puts burden of writing safe programs (with relevance to type safety) on programmers. Thus, a type system detecting type errors can act as a static analyzer.
Type system
Mechanism for distinguishing good programs from bad.
A tractable syntactic method for proving the absence of certain program behaviors by classifying phrases according to the kinds of values they compute.
Good programs are well-typed (where the types are appropriate) while bad programs are ill-typed or not type-able.
Lambda Calculus
- Foundation for functional programming
- Language theory
An anonymous function is replaced by a lambda abstraction.
int f (int x) { return x; }
would be replaced by
Similarly, the function call would be replaced by a lambda application:
int f (int x) { return x; }
f (3);
would be represented as
Body of
extends as far to right as possible
Functions are left-associative
Higher order functions
Functions can be returned as return values, and passed in as arguments
Free and Bound Variables
equivalenceBound variable can be renamed, as it is a placeholder.
In this scenario,
is the scope of the
However, note that the names of free variables matter, and cannot be renamed.
Variables can be both free and bound.
means is a free variable in M
Given that
The set of free variables are defined as:
These statements can be understood as:
- the free variable in
is just itself - the free variables in
are the free variables in , except for - the free variables in
are the free variables in M and the free variables in N
effectively means everything
Given that
Substitution of free variables happen as such:
The statements can be interpreted as:
- doing the substitution of
replaces it with - replacing a variable that does not exist in the expression keeps it constant
Effectively, to substitute across a function application, substitution needs to be done within its terms.
Effectively, as substitution only affects the free variables, note that since
Name Capture
For substitution, avoid name capture:
which is incorrect, as the free variable
Reduction Rules
Normal form
Terms can be evaluated in any order.
Effectively, the final result is the same, regardless of which terms are evaluated, and in which order.
The theorem is as such:
Given that
Effectively, for all
Non-Terminating Reduction
Some terms have no normal forms, and thus, some terms may have both terminating and non-terminating reduction sequences.
Reduction Strategies
The left-most, outer-most redex is reduced first.
If normal form exists, normal-order reduction finds normal form.
Given the term,
normal order reduces in this order:
Left-most, inner-most redex is reduced first.
Given the term
Applicative order may not be as efficient as normal order when argument is not used.
Encoding Boolean values/operator
Church numerals
Effectively, a pair is defined
f -> x -> y -> f(x, y)
Then to get the equivalent values back:
head = p -> p(x -> y -> x)
tail = p -> p(x -> y -> y)
This definition then can be extended to work for tuples.
Formal Type Systems
Formal type systems are precise specification of the type checker that allows formal proofs of type safety.
Type system
- typing rules: assigns types to terms
- type safety: well-typed terms cannot go wrong
Adding Types to Calculus
With these types, a term can be given a type:
The typing context refers to a set of typing assumptions:
If the context is empty, it is indicated with
STLC Typing Rules
Soundness and Completeness
Sound type systems never accept programs that can go wrong.
Complete type systems never rejects a program that can’t go wrong.
For any Turing-complete PL, the set of programs that may go wrong is undecidable, meaning that a type system cannot be both sound and complete.
Soundness is preferred.
Well-typed terms in STLC are sound.
Type safety in STLC
For any
and , if and , then , and either or . The reduction of a well-typed term either diverges, or terminates in a value of the expected type.
Lemma: Preservation
M, M', \tau
, if\cdot \vdash M: \tau
andM \rightarrow M'
, then\cdot M': \tau
Well-typed terms reduce only to well-typed terms of the same type.
Lemma: Progress
M, \tau
, if\cdot \vdash M: \tau
, then eitherM \in values
or\exists M'.M\rightarrow M'
.A well-typed term is either a value or can be reduced.
STLC is not complete. The type system may reject terms that do not go wrong.
Well-typed terms in STLC always terminate
Strong normalisation theorem.