Expression required by an argument-taking expression
For a sentence to be well-formed/grammatical, all the argument-taking expressions it contains must be provided with all the arguments they need.
Can be interpreted as arguments for a function (sentence).
For example, an argument-taking expression can be a verb - which usually denote events/relations, which denote participants.
The girl kicked the blue ball
In this example, the girl and the blue ball are the arguments.
An argument that is described by the argument-taking expression
The non-subject argument.
Optional expressions - where presence is not required for the acceptability of the sentence
Arguments | Adjuncts |
Obligatory | Optional |
No more than required | No limit |
Typically cannot be freely ordered with relation to one another | Typically can be freely ordered with relation to one another |
Typically occur closer to the verb | Typically occur after arguments |
String of elements that belong together
To test for constituency:
- Answers to questions test
- ask acceptable question where string of words in question might potentially be answer - question can be from the remainder of words in the sentence
- Cleft test
It is/was X that Y
- if a string of words can go into the
position, it forms a constitutent.
- if a string of words can go into the
- Topicalisation test
- If a string of words can appear as the topic of a sentence, it forms a constituent
- Coordination test
X and/or Y
’- if a string of words can be coordinated with another string from the same lexical or phrasal category, it forms a constituent
- Replacement test
- May be substituted by a shorter unit
pronoun -> NP
slept/do so/did so -> VP
- May be substituted by a shorter unit
Tests for constituency may give rise to inconsistent results for independent reasons.
Proving constituency does not indicate that a certain word is a subject/argument.
Syntactic/phrasal categories
If a string of words form a phrasal category, they must be constituent
- noun phrase (NP)
- phrasal constituent that can be replaced by pronouns
- verb phrase (VP)
- phrasal constituent that yields a sentence when combined with an NP on the left
- can be replaced with
- slept (changes meaning)
- does so
- preposition phrases (PP)
- phrasal constituent made up of P NP sequence
- can modify a VP within a VP and can modify a N within an NP
- ditransitive verbs
- require two complements to form a VP
- sentential complement verbs
- requires a sentential complement to form a VP
Phrase structure rules
Grammatical rules that describe how phrases are formed in a language
S -> NP VP
Verb phrases
VP -> SV S
VP -> IV
- `VP → VP Adv
Noun phrases
NP -> Pr
NP -> (D) (Adj*) N (PP)
PP -> P NP
X -> X Conj X
PS tree representations help to visualise
- constituency relations
- constituents can contain smaller constituents
Structural ambiguity
Ambiguity that arises when more than one possible structure can be assigned to a word/phrase
PP attachment is a common source of structural ambiguity as they can be in both VP and NP phrases.
Lexical ambiguity
Ambiguity arises from a word having more than one possible meaning